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McKinlay Shire secures $6.2 million for Child Service Facility

McKinlay Shire Council have secured $6.2 million to construct a new child service facility in Julia Creek in the second round of the Queensland Government’s Resources Community Infrastructure Fund (RCIF).

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8th August 2014 - McKinlay Shire Council receives Heart Foundation Local Government Award

McKinlay Shire Council has been recognised for its contribution to tackling heart disease in the 2014 Heart Foundation Local Government Awards. The Highly Commended Award for populations less than 15,

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23rd July 2014 - McKinlay Shire Council 2014/15 Budget

The McKinlay Shire Council formally adopted its 2014/15 Budget and operational plan yesterday at a special meeting in Julia Creek. The overall budget includes new services and an $8.5 million dollar c

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