Publication Scheme

Our publication scheme describes the types of information that is routinely available from McKinlay Shire Council.

This information and documents are accessible via Council’s publication scheme and can be downloaded from Council’s website, however, if you experience difficulty in accessing the documents from the website, please contact Council to request access to the information in another suitable format. Where the provision of documents would require substantial administrative costs, charges may be applicable. You will be advised in advance if charges are payable for the request.

There are seven (7) classes of information accessible through the Publication Scheme:

  1. About Us (Who we are and what we do)

  2. Our services (The services we offer)

  3. Our finances (What we spend and how we spend it)

  4. Our priorities (What our priorities are and how we are doing it)

  5. Our decisions (How we make decisions)

  6. Our policies (Our policies and procedures)

  7. Our lists (Lists and registers)

If you are not been able to locate the particular information/service you are after via our website, or by contacting the relevant department within Council, you may wish to contact Council's Chief Executive Officer to discuss your particular enquiry. In many cases, they will be able to direct you to the appropriate channel.

If you are still unable to access the information you are seeking, you may wish to make a formal application under the Right to Information Act 2009 (PDF). 

If you have any enquiries or complaints about our Publication Scheme, please contact Council on 07 4746 7166 or send an email to

About Us

This section contains information about Council’s history, our location, contact information, our role in government, and our structure.

Council History

In 1892, the Shire was governed by a MacKinlay Divisional Board and in 1902 the Shire Council was incorporated. Up until 1914, the Council elected its own Chairman - the first Chairman was Mr Charles Cameron. Mr W.M Allison was the longest-serving Chairman, he joined the council in 1914 and became Chairman in 1915 holding the position for 37 years - showing the high esteem in which he was held by the people of the Shire.

In 1932, the new shire, also named McKinlay was moved to Julia Creek. The spelling of the name MacKinlay was changed to McKinlay in 1935, however the reason for this is unknown but presume it is because of the spelling of John McKinlay's name (the explorer who discovered McKinlay). The Shire office was originally located on the corner of Julia and Coyne Streets, where it remained for 30 years, until the new Council Chambers were erected on the corner of Burke and Julia Streets in 1961. These council chambers remain today.

McKinlay Shire Council is the southern gateway to the Gulf. The Shire spans some 41,000 square kilometres and townships include Julia Creek (the main hub of the Shire) and Nelia on the Flinders Highway and McKinlay and Kynuna on the Matilda Highway.

McKinlay Shire has a population of approximately 1000 residents. Its main industries are Cattle grazing, beef, mining ventures at Cannington (the most concentrated silver/lead mine in the world), Eloise Mine and tourism.

Council’s role in Government

In the Australian federal system there are three (3) levels of government: Federal, State and Local. Each level of government has its own responsibilities, though many responsibilities are shared in various ways.
Local Government Council, the lowest level of government in Australia, is often seen as being the most accessible to the people. Local government bodies such as Council have specific responsibilities, duties and limitations on their areas of responsibility or influence.

Mayor and Councillors

As elected representatives, councillors have a responsibility to ensure that McKinlay Shire Council delivers high-quality services in an effective and efficient manner and that its goals are achieved through collaboration with government, industry and community stakeholders and close involvement with their community. View the Councillor Details page to see information about current elected councillors and how to contact them.

Organisational Structure

View Council's Organisation Structure

Local Government Act

The principal piece of legislation which provides the legislative framework for Council is the Local Government Act 2009. The Act provides Council with autonomy and flexibility while requiring accountability for its performance.

Contact Council

Details for contacting McKinlay Shire Council can be found on our Contact Us page.

Our Services

This section contains information about the services McKinlay Shire Council provides.

  • Airport
  • Arts and Cultural Services
  • Community Services
  • Community Health
  • Community Facilities
  • Corporate Services
  • Engineering Services
  • Environmental Health
  • Human Resources
  • Library Services
  • Local Laws and Animals
  • Planning and Development
  • Technical Services
  • Tourism and Economic Development
  • Waste
  • Water and Sewerage

Further information can be found on the Council Services section of this website.  Additionally please see our Annual Report which provides a summary of our activities for the financial year and our Media Releases for all the latest news.

Our Finances

This section provides financial information about McKinlay Shire Council’s projected and actual income and expenditure, procurement, and tenders.

Our Priorities

The priorities of McKinlay Shore Council are documented in Council’s Corporate Plan, Operational Plan and Annual Report.

Our Decisions

Council functions and powers are dependent on State Government legislation.  The Local Government Act 2009 and other legislative provisions clearly define the powers and responsibilities of Council.  Council has no authority in regard to matters falling outside the mandatory or discretionary powers conferred by the legislation.  Council is vested with a variety of specific powers to control, regulate, license or prevent and prohibit the matters deemed relevant to a Local Authority.  These powers are administered through Local Laws adopted by Council.

The Chief Executive has the delegated authority of McKinlay Shire Council to make decisions on a number of specified matters, in particular of an administrative nature.  In turn, the Chief Executive Officer has delegated a number of these powers to specified staff.  Delegations are recorded in a register of delegations which is open for public inspection at the office of the Chief Executive at 29 Burke Street, Julia Creek Qld.

Our Policies

Council policies state Council’s intent, commitment or position on strategic issues and assists in informing the community and council officers on Council’s desired outcomes.  Strategic policies are approved and adopted by Council.

A range of policies are available online at the Council Policies webpage.  If you require access to a particular policy which is not published, please make a written request addressed to:

Chief Executive Officer
McKinlay Shire Council
PO Box 177
Julia Creek Qld 4823

Alternatively, you may email

Our Lists

Lists and registers that we are required to hold by law are open for public inspection.  If you wish to seek further information regarding our public registers or wish to view any, please contact Council on (07) 4746 7166.

A sample of our public registers open for inspection are:

  • Delegations Register
  • Policy Register
  • Fees and Charges Register
  • Roads Register
  • Local Laws Register
  • Register of Beneficial Enterprises
  • Register of Interests