
Rates and Charges Information

Council's rates are handled by our Corporate Services Team. If you have any questions about your rates, you can contact the team via email - or by calling (07) 47 467 166.

A discount of 10% will be allowed on current rates if payment is made in full within 30 days of issue of the rate notice. Payment must be made on or before the due date, which is shown on the notice.

Interest is charged on rates and charges which remain unpaid after the due date which is shown on your rate notice. The rate of interest is 11% and is calculated on daily rests, starting on the day after they are due for payment.

Rural Fire Levy
Fire Service Charges are charges which are collected by Council for the State Government.

Rates and Charges Information

In accordance with Chapter 4, Part 1 of the Local Government Act 2009 & Chapter 4 Part 5 Division 1 Section 81 of the Local Government Regulation 2012, categorisation of rateable land for the purpose of applying differential rates are determined by Council. The period of notice of objection is thirty (30) days.

Differential general rates are made on the unimproved capital value of land in ten (10) categories as follows:

  • Category 1 Residential Premises Julia Creek < 2 ha
  • Category 2 Residential – Other < 2 ha
  • Category 3 Residential – Julia Creek > 2 ha
  • Category 4 Residential – Other > 2 ha  
  • Category 5 Commercial/Industrial – Julia Creek
  • Category 6 Commercial/Industrial - Other
  • Category 7 Rural
  • Category 8 Special Uses / Community Purposes
  • Category 9 Open Space / Recreation 
  • Category 10 Mine – Not in Production
  • Category 11 Mine - In Production
  • Category 12 Workers Accomodation 0-50 units
  • Category 13 Workers Accommodtion 51-100 units
  • Category 14 Workers Accommodation >100 units

The criteria used in establishing each category for rating purposes is as follows:

Category 1 - Land, located within the town of Julia Creek, which is used, or intended to be used, for residential purposes.

Category 2 - Land, located within the towns of McKinlay, Kynuna and Nelia, which is used, or intended to be used, for residential purposes.

Category 3 - Land, located within the town of Julia Creek which is used, or intended to be used, for residential purposes.

Category 4 - Land, located in the towns of McKinlay, Kynuna and Nelia which is used, or intended to be used, for residential purposes.

Category 5 - Land, located within the town of Julia Creek, which is used, or intended to be used, for commercial and/or industrial purposes.

Category 6 - Land, located within the towns of McKinlay, Kynuna and Nelia, which is used, or intended to be used, for commercial and/or industrial purposes.

Category 7 - Land used, or intended to be used, for rural purposes.

Category 8 - Land which is used for community purposes.

Category 9 - Land which is used for recreation.

Category 10 - Land which is a mining lease held under the Mineral Resources Act, which forms part of a mine which is not operational.

Category 11 - Land which is a mining lease held under the Mineral Resources Act, which forms part of a mine which is operational.

Category 12 - Land used or intended to be used, in whole or in part, for providing intensive accommodation for between 0 and 50 people (other than the ordinary travelling public) in rooms, suites, or caravan sites specifically built or provided for this purpose.  Land within this category is commonly known as “workers accommodation”, “single person’s quarters”, “work camps”, “accommodation village”, or “barracks”.

Category 13 - Land used or intended to be used, in whole or in part, for providing intensive accommodation for between 51 and 100 people (other than the ordinary travelling public) in rooms, suites, or caravan sites specifically built or provided for this purpose.  Land within this category is commonly known as “workers accommodation”, “single person’s quarters”, “work camps”, “accommodation village”, or “barracks”.

Category 14 Land used or intended to be used, in whole or in part, for providing intensive accommodation for more than 100 people (other than the ordinary travelling public) in rooms, suites, or caravan sites specifically built or provided for this purpose.  Land within this category is commonly known as “workers accommodation”, “single person’s quarters”, “work camps”, “accommodation village”, or “barracks”.

In accordance with Chapter 4, Part 1 of the LG Act 2009 & Chapter 4 Part 4 Section 77 of the LG Regulation 2012, different minimum general rates are made and levied on all rateable land in the McKinlay Shire according to category.

The category of your rate notice is stated on your rate notice.

  • The rating category in which your land is included was identified by McKinlay Shire Council
  • You may object to the categorisation of your land in writing to the Council within 30 days after the date of issue of your rate notice
  • The sole ground on which you may object to this categorisation is that having regard to the criteria used by the Council to categorize your land, the land should have been included in another category
  • Objecting to the categorisation of your land will not affect the levy and recovery of rates
  • If your land is included in another rating category because of a successful objection, an adjustment of rates will be made